



2024-07-19 06:29:21 来源:网络


argue *** for sth 还是argue *** about sth -
翻译:认为某人做某事argue *** about sth:argue with *** about sth:关于某事和某人争吵argue about sth with *** :与某人争论某事argue with *** .about sth.与……某人就某事争吵.argue with *** .about sth.为某事与某人争辩.argue with/against *** .about/on sth.与某人争辩说完了。
argue with sb 后接人,是和谁辩论的意思。argue about sth 议论某事argue over sth 辩论[争论]某事argue about 和argue over 都接事,是议论某事的意思.一般可以互换,


argue with sb argue about sth 分别造句 -
He is arguing with his mum.他正在和他的妈妈争论。They argued about this issue yesterday.他们昨天就这个问题发生争论。
argue about [简明英汉词典]议论某事argue with [简明英汉词典]与某人议论,
argue with/about造句 -
1.A cat argue with a dog.2.I argue about this do I表示“我也是”.neither do I表示“我也不是”.顺便提一下,so I do表示“我赞同”Niether I do表示“我不赞同”.要注意区分. so it is with sb表示“某人也是这样”.For eg:-I like English.-So do I.-I don'等我继续说。
argue for 为……而争论,表示争论的目的,如argue for support argue about 就某事而争论,争论的内容argue about the income lazy.she always with her sister about housework (argue...
你好,句子应该是:She is too lazy. She always【argues】with her sister about housework.翻译是:她太懒了,她总是和她的姐姐/妹妹就家务事争吵简析:因为时态是一般现在时态,且主语she是第三人称单数形式,所以argue要加s 祝你开心望采纳谢谢等我继续说。
We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱.
pay attention;give up;keep secrets;argue with ;care about
1.argue with 我不想再和你争论那个工作了,直接去做吧。 up lucy从不轻易放弃。她总是尽全力坚持到最后。 attention to 请注意我说的话,我的话会有用的。4.keeps secrets 我表妹为我保守秘密。她甚至不和她父母说起这些。5.cares about 方老师个好老师(noce是你等我继续说。
argue about 争论某个话题意思上是这样翻,实际用途中一般指比较正式的讨论talk about 相对比较轻松的、非正式的谈论某个话题,